Note: This does not save conversations. To save conversations, check "Conversation Thread" section of this documentation.
{"inlanguage":"hausa",//The language to begin with, can be switched updated mid conversation"outputlanguage":"english",//The language to get response in "responsetype":"voice", //what you need as response. Can be voice, image, video or text. If you need voice and text use voice,text.
"agentId":"",//If you are referring to a specific agent. Its ID"stream":false,"messages":[ { "message":"Your name is Bami, you are an Ai assistant for Ashobe members.", //The message can be text or url of voice or video
"messagetype":"text",//The message type, if voice specify and supply in message."owner":"machine",//user or machine."topic":"instruction"//optional. instruction(to tell the machine who it is), change topic, refresh memory. }, {"message":"",//The message can be text or url of voice or video "messagetype":"voice",//The message type, if voice specify and supply in message."owner":"machine",//user or machine."topic":"instruction"//optional. instruction(to tell the machine who it is), change topic, refresh memory. }, {"message":"",//The message can be text or url of voice or video "messagetype":"voice",//The message type, if voice specify and supply in message."owner":"user",//user or machine."topic":""//optional. instruction(to tell the machine who it is), change topic, refresh memory. }, ] // messages, the one on top is the latest one.}